What Is The Per Graft Cost of a Hair Transplant in Delhi?

What Is The Per Graft Cost of a Hair Transplant in Delhi?

Searching for a hair transplant clinic has become more complicated than ever before. The number of questions that have emerged over time has completely engulfed logical reasoning and common sense. Most of the information that has been put out there in the open has been either fabricated or originated to confuse and misdirect the people

Per Graft Cost of a Hair Transplant in Delhi

Searching for a hair transplant clinic has become more complicated than ever before. The number of questions that have emerged over time has completely engulfed logical reasoning and common sense. Most of the information that has been put out there in the open has been either fabricated or originated to confuse and misdirect the people seeking a hair transplantation procedure. With the rising competition among the different clinics and doctors to get more patients, there are several factors that have risen to derail the patients from staying on the most important topics that they are required to focus upon while searching for a hair transplant clinic.

Now when we look upon different factors that could affect the decision of a hair transplant seeker when choosing a clinic for their hair transplant, the cost per graft has a major influence. Among different factors that patients consider while deciding for a hair transplant, the technique used for the hair transplant procedure, the doctor involved in the surgery, the experience of the team that works along with the doctor, the instrumentation used during the surgery, the assurance of the best results possible in their specific cases and so on and so forth. But somehow the cost of the transplantation procedure takes precedence over other factors. Especially with clinics offering prices as low as Rs. 10 per graft or lesser, patients who have not researched well can fall into a trap with hair mills and less experienced doctors who can possibly ruin the transplantation procedure as well as the donor areas for life.

Let’s take an example of the hair transplant cost in Delhi. It is a single city and we will discuss the diversity in prices that are offered to have an idea regarding how we can avoid certain clinics and choose others.

Coming to discuss the main topic, i.e., the cost of hair transplant in Delhi, it depends on multiple factors. Let’s throw light on some of them and also understand why there are cheap clinics and expensive ones.

1. The instrumentation involved in the hair transplantation procedure: Hair Transplantation is an office procedure and does not require the individual to be admitted into the clinic or hospital. The individual can leave immediately after the transplantation has been completed. But that doesn’t mean it’s an easy process. It is an extremely complex procedure and requires labour and expertise. With this comes the requirement for good quality instrumentation. A good clinic will always use world class instrumentation. Right from the punches to the forceps to the magnification – everything has to be top notch.

Punches are instrumental that are used to separate the grafts from the donor area. The sharper, finer and smaller the punches, the better it is for the hair transplantation procedure. Punches that are fine, sharp and small leave minimal scars on the donor area. They also do not damage the surrounding grafts. Bigger punches that are blunt lead to bigger scars and damage the surrounding grafts, hence ruining the donor. A smaller, finer and sharper punch allows for the extraction of more grafts from the donor area, whereas thicker, blount punches do not give way for a good harvest from the donor area. Similarly, different kinds of forceps are used to collect the grafts from the punched areas, different forceps are used to collect them and different forceps used to load them into the implanters.

A good clinic will make sure that they have all the necessary instrumentation and the correct forceps for graft handling. Magnification is a major factor in a hair transplantation procedure. If the magnification is not good then the doctors commit perform the procedure with precision and perfection. A good magnification system, like Carl Zeiss loupes and Carl Zeiss microscopes help in a clear vision and magnifies the area sufficiently for the doctors to determine the grafts to be extracted as well as the design of the slits to be done. A good clinic will always use top notch magnification while performing the surgery. The kind of instrumentation used contributes to the cost of the hair transplant surgery. A well researched individual will always ask this question when searching for a hair transplant clinic.

2. The technique used for the hair transplantation procedure: There are multiple techniques that have come into the industry. Each technique claims to be better than the other. But what is the real truth? How do we distinguish between the correct technique that we should opt for? We can take an example of the technique that is called the Direct Hair Transplantation technique, which has been used to produce successive results. In this technique, the slits on the recipient area are made first. The extraction and implantation of the grafts from the donor to the recipient slits are done simultaneously. This leaves no room for the grafts to remain outside of the body for a long period of time. Hence, there is no chance for graft damage due to the grafts drying up. There are no chances of graft infection.

A clinic that uses a good technique to perform the transplantation procedure will always charge more for the procedure than a clinic who uses basic techniques that are outdated. This factor is probably the most important when it comes to searching for a hair transplant clinic.

3. The doctor and the team performing along with the doctor: A good clinic will have experienced doctors who know what they are doing in and out. They should be masters in their craft. They shouldn’t be doubtful of what they can and cannot achieve when it comes to the results. A good doctor will be transparent and inform the hair transplant seekers regarding the best achievable results in their particular cases. The pros and cons are stated clearly and then they leave it up to the patients to decide whether or not they even want a hair transplant procedure.

An experienced surgeon gives assured results. They have a good reputation and a history of results to prove their worth. However, a good doctor is nothing without a good team. A good clinic will always have a good team that works along with the doctor. The team has to be trained for several years before they are even allowed to assist the doctors. The team should have as much experience as the doctors themselves. Hence, they come with high value. A good clinic which boasts of exceptional doctors and an exceptional team will always be more expensive than the clinic which does not boast of it.

Above we have discussed just three of the factors that affect the cost per graft in Delhi. But this is the truth when it comes to the price per graft the world around. A well informed and well researched patient will always look to quality rather than quantity because the hair transplant results stay lifelong with them no matter where they are and no matter what they do.

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